Friday, August 12, 2022

OSR has a problem with Levels

So I've had a bit of annoyance with OSR games for quite some while, and nearly all of them are guilty of it! I remember when I was a nipper and looking over the old old Basic D&D rules I ran into the problem that everyone knows. Levels. The word, not the implementation.

Levels is used to describe character progression, and that's all fine and dandy. BUT, its also used to describe spell usage, such as "Magic Missile is a first level spell". This re-use of the same term for two different things in the game confused the heck out me, and I've seen it do the same for every new player I've dragged kicking and flailing into a game.

Its retarded to use the same word for two different things in the same manual. If you came across that in a washing-machine manual you'd be rightly pissed at its lack of clarity. If I came across this confused nonsense in a boardgame rules set I'd get righteously angry over the stupidity of it. Yet in game after game, especially in OSR games the author does the same thing. Pulling out the tired confusing , patently stupid, dual usage of "levels".

No more, I say! Its time to move on. I've got a few options you might consider:

  • Circle (sounds nice and magical, and I think they use this in Earthdawn)
  • Ring
  • Rank
  • Grade
  • Stack
  • Power

Please, authors, especially OSR authors, don't Dual Wield Levels.

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