I've upped my first character in Scarlet Heroes to level 2, and now its time to create another character in a different class to see how that feels. I wanted to try a wizard, but I'm guessing that a lone wizard is going to be very (too) squishy, so I've opted to run two PCs. This way I can put my level 2 halfling fighter in front and use the wizard for DPS.
What's nice in Scarlet Heroes is that they can use missile weapons and any melee weapon. However they only ever roll 1D4 for damage. I love this, now I can have my "gandalf" wielding a sword like the man in grey himself! With a bow, this upcoming wizard is entirely capable especially at low level. He only rolls 1D4, true, but that means his hits have a 75% chance of taking out a 1HD creature on one shot. that's pretty powerful especially when safely done from a distance..
As I'm mixing Basic Fantasy and Scarlet Heroes, I'm picking spells from BF. That's not because I dislike the Scarlet Heroes spells, indeed, I haven't even read more than one or two, its because I know the standard BF spells better. As a new wiz I need to pick three spells that my wizard knows at level 1...My first thought was "Magic Missile", you know for firepower, but then I thought about that bow I plan on using. Magic missile does 1D6+1, meaning a result of 5-6 would mean the wizard could do 2HD of damage. that's good, but it is just one shot. Is that one-shot worth a spell slot? I kept this in my back pocket and looked through the 1st level options.
In the end I've opted to take "Shield" which gives the PC some protection, especially against missiles, and considering the Wiz is going to be at distance if at all possible it makes sense. I'm also taking "Sleep" as that can effect more than one target. I pondered Magic Missile again, but in the end that one-use issue ruled it out for me, and I've taken Read Languages. I want to be able to find more spells, so being able to read alien languages in a library seems like something a wizard would want.
Poor old wizard (no names at first level, what's the point) has a horrendous AC of 9 and only 4HP. Eek!
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