Saturday, September 28, 2024

White Box: FMAG Session.

I knocked out a quick solo session of FMAG today. I used the cool character generator the Smoldering Wizard web site to generate 4 characters. This is better than most generators out there as it provides, stats, names, equipment, spells, and racial abilities in its output. Here are the characters, post the adventure.

Name: Ra In the Rough

Level 1 Halfling Thief
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 52

STR: 16 (+1)
INT: 10
WIS: 9
CON: 15 (+1)
DEX: 12
CHA: 15 (max: 5 loyalty: +1)

HP: (3)
AC: 7 [12]
SAV: 14
BHB: 0
Thievery: 2
XP Bonus: 5%, 279

Armor: Leather
Shield: None
Helm: None

Mace [1d6]
Dagger [1d6-1]

6 torches
large sack
thieves' tools
5 days dried rations
flint & steel
50' hemp rope
158 GP

Racial Abilities:

Giants, ogres, and similar giant-type creatures such as trolls are not
good at fighting small creatures such as Halflings, and only inflict
half the normal damage against them.

Halflings receive a +2 to-hit when firing missile weapons in combat.

When not engaged in combat, Halflings can be quite stealthy, making
themselves hard to spot and moving in almost total silence. The
success of this ability is determined by the Referee.

Halflings receive +4 on saving throws vs. magic (even if the "Saving
Throw Matrix" is used).

Name: Merciggo

Level 1 Elf Fighter/Magic-User
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 251

STR: 14
INT: 9
WIS: 6 (-1)
CON: 7
DEX: 7
CHA: 14 (max: 5 loyalty: +1)

HP: (7)
AC: 6 [13]
SAV: 14
BHB: 0
XP Bonus: None , 265

Spells: Charm person

Armor: Leather
Shield: Yes
Helm: Yes

Warhammer [1d6]
Sling [1d6]

5 torches
5 days dried rations
flint & steel
10' pole
96 GP
Pouch & 20 stones

Racial Abilities:

Elves may use either the Fighter or Magic-user class advancement
charts, to be announced at the start of an adventure.

When an Elf adventures as a Magic-user, the character has the same
weapon and armor limitations as a Magic-user. The exception to this
would be magic armor, which may still be worn even when the Elf is
acting as a Magic-user.

Elves gain an +1 to-hit and damage when fighting goblins, orcs,
intelligent undead, and lycanthropes. Elves are also immune to
paralysis caused by undead such as ghouls.

Elves are good at spotting hidden and concealed doors (1-4 on a d6
when searching, 1-2 on a d6 if just passing by).

Elves can speak with gnolls, goblins, orcs, and hobgoblins.

Name: Arer the Icthic

Level 1 Halfling Fighter
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 56

STR: 10
INT: 16 (+1)
WIS: 13
CON: 6 (-1)
DEX: 8
CHA: 8 (max: 3 loyalty: -1)

HP: 1
AC: 2 [17]
SAV: 14
BHB: 0
XP Bonus: None, 265

Armor: Plate
Shield: Yes
Helm: Yes

Club [1d6]
Short Bow [1d6-1]

6 torches
5 days dried rations
flint & steel
10' pole
144 GP
Quiver & 19 arrows

Racial Abilities:

Giants, ogres, and similar giant-type creatures such as trolls are not
good at fighting small creatures such as Halflings, and only inflict
half the normal damage against them.

Halflings receive a +2 to-hit when firing missile weapons in combat.

When not engaged in combat, Halflings can be quite stealthy, making
themselves hard to spot and moving in almost total silence. The
success of this ability is determined by the Referee.

Halflings receive +4 on saving throws vs. magic (even if the "Saving
Throw Matrix" is used).

Name: Kracvak Do

Level 1 Human Cleric
Alignment: Lawful
Age: 37

STR: 12
INT: 9
WIS: 12
CON: 14
DEX: 14
CHA: 8 (max: 3 loyalty: -1)

HP: 2
AC: 2 [17]
SAV: 15
BHB: 0
XP Bonus: None, 265

Turn Undead:
Skeleton: 10
Zombie: 13
Ghoul: 15
Wight: 17

Armor: Plate
Shield: Yes
Helm: Yes

Staff [1d6]
Sling [1d6]

6 torches
5 days dried rations
flint & steel
10' pole
wooden holy symbol
84gp 10 gems(10gp each)
Pouch & 20 stones

With those generated I start a session, which quickly got into combat, here are the session notes:


Call to Action

The mayor (Paur Armstrong) of the village Elderglen makes a speech in the Inn looking for heroes. Monsters have been attacking the washer women down by the river. They've taken up residence in an old bear cave near the river. Clear it out for 10GP each.


Walk to river, 1 in 6 for encounter: 4, no encounter.

The Cave

Arrive at riverside. 1D6 rooms in cave, 2.

Ra sneaks to cave mouth, Thievery (2) , 5, sneak fails.

1st Room

What's in the first room 1D12, 7, Zombie #appearing 1D8, 6

HD 1, AC [12], Move 6, Damage 1D6-1

  1. Z HP: 3 , -1 Merciggo
  2. Z HP: 1 -3 Kracvak
  3. Z HP: 4 , 1, -3 Arer
  4. Z HP: 6
  5. ZHP:  5
  6. Z HP: 2, 0 Merciggo

Are Zombies surprised? 1D6, 3, not surprised.

  • Ra runs back to the party, who fan out and they have one round of ranged combat.
  • Merciggo slings, 15, hits #1 for 4HP killing it
  • Kracvak slings, 12 hits #2 for 4HP killing it
  • Arer arrows, 9 misses.

Round 2, initiative, PCs 1, Monsters 4, monsters go first

  • #3 attacks Ra, 17 hits for 2HP seriously hurting him
  • #4 attacks Arer, 9 misses
  • #5 attacks Merciggo, 14 hits for 5HP seriously hurting him
  • #6 attacks Kracvak, 12, misses
  • Ra runs to max sling range
  • Kracvak Turns the undead, 7, fails
  • Arer, runs to bow range
  • Merciggo runs to bow range next to Ra

Round 3 initiative, PCs 3 monsters 6

  • #2 runs towards Ra
  • #4 runs to Arer
  • #5 runs to Merciggo
  • #6 attacks Kracvak, 15 miss
  • Ra attacks #2, 10, miss
  • Kracvak turns undead, 13, Success, zombies will flee for 3d6 turns 11,
  • Arer, attacks #4, 17 doing 3HP
  • Merciggo attacks #5, 8 misses

Round 4

  • Zombies flee,
  • Ra catches his breath
  • Arer fires an arrow at #4, 16, 4HP damage
  • Merciggo attacks #5,11 miss
  • Kracvak attacks #6, 19, 2HP

The 2 remaining zombies will flee beyond range and never return.

XP award for defeating the zombies (30 * 6) = 240.

  • Is the treasure buried 1-3 , 4,  no
  • Is the treasure hidden 1-2, 1, yes
  • Is the treasure trapped 1-2, 3, no

Treasure roll, 6 (value of treasure is 960gp) made up of: 720gp, 1400sp, 10 gems worth 10gp each

Post Combat

The PCs light a torch, enter the cave and search for what lured the zombies here. 1-4 (Merciggo being elvish) ,4, success. The party find the treasure buried in the dirt floor of the cave. Assume each character can carry additional 20lbs so that's 200 coins each. The remaining treasure of 1400sp will be reburied in the cave against a future return.

Merciggo 200gp, Ra 200gp, Arer 200gp, Kracvak 120gp 10 gems(10gp each), will be worth addition 820xp if it gets back to town.

Back to the village

Returning to village, 1 in 6 for encounter: 4, no encounter.

Each character gains xp, 240 for monsters, 820 for treasure a total 1060 divided between 4 is 265 each.

Getting set up

Rent a "wing" of the Inn, including 2 rooms, full health restored, and stabling for 4 (non existing) horses for a month, 40gp, Merciggo pays.

How many horses are available for purchase during the month, 1D8, 7. Purchase 6 horses for 40gp each (240gp, 60 each)

Hire a groom/Horse-holder 2gp a week for 8gp for the month. Hired by Merciggo (+1 Loyalty) Da Jur a dwarf

Hire a torch bearer 2gp a week for 8gp for the month. Hired by Ra (+1 Loyalty) Risor Lem an Elf

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