Wednesday, September 28, 2022

YouTube Recommendation: The Basic Expert

I have hundreds of youtube subscriptions that I've subbed to over years, but I'd like to introduce one of these to you as being an exceptional breakout. 

The Basic Expert channel is hosted by Mr Torres and he brings his calm demeanour, his smooth voice, and his insightfulness to the role playing stage. Many of the channels I subbed to have devolved into rage anti-woke rants, but not this one. 

That's not to say he doesn't bring the odd rant to the show, but its not his focus. His channel presents a mixed content of art creation, rpg stream-chats, deep dives into RPGs, topic discussions, and he recently added actual-plays into the mix too. 

I've especially loved the deep dives into Basic Fantasy, and Classic Traveller.

The Basic Expert channel

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